Your Personal Financial Trainer

Are you a gym owner or fitness pro feeling overwhelmed with your finances?


Whether you're just starting out or you've been a studio or gym owner for decades, our programs will help take your fitness finances to the next level! Through our academy, coaching programs and ongoing support we will ensure that you're setting yourself up for permanent profitability with simple, easy to manage systems.

GymFit Financial



Our online course for fitness business CEOs looking to learn our simple financial systems, gain insight into tax strategies and cash flow at their own pace. The online course includes monthly office hour calls with Erica and our Slack community of other amazing fitness business owners to keep you accountable!

GymFit Financial



The mentorship gives you access to the GymFit Financial Academy, our amazing Slack community of other fitness business owners, monthly office hours, plus TWO one-to-one calls per month with a GymFit Financial CFO for personalized support. 

You'll also receive email support on all the custom models developed together with your CFO.

GymFit Financial



This application-only program is our VIP support option for fitness business owners looking to dive deep into their finances, needing more one-to-one support and/or wanting to reach their goals at an accelerated pace. Our coaching program offers a personalized plan and FOUR one-to-one calls with Erica, the GymFit CEO. Most fitness business owners see remarkable results in 2 months or less with our coaching program.

GymFit Monthly Support Packages

Are you a fitness business owner overwhelmed by the constant challenge of trying to keep up with your finances while run your business and focus on growth? We get it! Our monthly support packages are a perfect fit for YOU. Let GymFit focus on the bookkeeping or step in as a Fractional CFO to empower you to focus on what you do best and have up-to-date financial information to make educated business decisions with.

We get it! Knowing how to manage business finances can be difficult and overwhelming.

With our coaching programs, you’ll get help understanding the financial aspects of running a fitness business from an experienced business coach who will make sure your books are always up-to-date while offering sound advice about money management.

Sign up for a consultation!

Wouldn’t it feel empowering if you could finally have total control over your financial situation?

We guarantee (with a money-back offer) that you’ll gain full insight into all matters related to your business so that you can focus on what really matters - making the biggest impact!

Our core offering: 

Using our signature 5 step process, we help Fitness Business owners, like you, achieve permanent profitability so you can…

  • Always know how much to spend on team, equipment and overhead

  • Take home your desired pay each and every month

  • Create clear sales goals that match your personal income goals

  • Banish overwhelm with a tribe of business owners supporting you through this journey

  • Have clarity around your cash flow

  • Have the profits to make a greater impact on your community, members and family

We solve these problems...

  • Not having a clear business model in place

  • Chaotic cash flow problems that seem hard to identify

  • Only getting the “crumbs’ of what’s left each month for yourself

  • Forgoing your own pay (or even doing owner injections) to support the business or it’s growth

  • Spending hours catching up on financial tasks and going months in between having up-to-date information to make business decisions with

  • Being frustrated and/or totally overwhelmed by bills and payroll

  • Feeling like you’ve got financial questions (or don’t know what you don’t know) but aren’t sure where to start with finding the answers

...with our signature 5 Step Process:


 Review the current bookkeeping and gain an understanding of your business’ unique strengths and challenges


Perform a cash flow analysis to have a baseline for our work together


Develop a strategic plan for driving profitability in your business


Empower you, as the CEO, with education on simple financial systems available as well as any areas of your existing finances you want support with


 Implement simple financial systems that are documented and easily maintainable for financial consistency and continued growth

Bookkeeping Support Packages

Say goodbye to financial confusion and hello to financial freedom!

(up to $250K avg. sales)


per month

($250K - $500K avg. sales)


per month

($500K+ avg. sales)


per month

Let's Chat about your fitness business!

Hey, you! Yes, YOU. The awesome fitness business owner with the passion to make it big and help more people!

Are you tired of trying to juggle finances and crunch numbers all by yourself? We totally get it - that's why we're here to help!

With our coaching programs, fractional CFO services and bookkeeping packages, you'll have a team of financial experts at your fingertips, ready to take on all the financial tasks that come with running a successful gym. From cash flow management to budgeting and forecasting, we've got you covered. Our team of skilled professionals have years of experience in providing top-notch financial services to businesses of all sizes.

So what are you waiting for? Take your fitness business to the next level and contact us today!

We promise, it'll be a decision you won't regret.

(908) 460-1731 (text only)

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